September Online CPD 2018

In this month’s CPD we are going to consider the ways in which a will or sections of a will can be revoked.  A Will is ambulatory in nature and may be revoked by the testator at any point during their lifetime provided they still have the mental capacity to do so; the Banks v Goodfellow test for capacity to make a will also applies to a testator’s capacity to revoke a will.  The main methods of revocation that we will consider will be express revocation by the creation of a new will or codicil, revocation by marriage or civil partnership, and revocation by destruction.



September Online CPD 2018

September Online CPD 2018 In this month’s CPD we are going to consider the ways in which a will or sections of a will can be revoked.  A Will is ambulatory in nature and may be revoked by the testator at any point during their lifetime provided they still have the mental capacity to do [...]