Getting Started – an Introduction to Wills and Estate Planning Certificate Distance Learning Course



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Getting Started – an Introduction to Wills and Estate Planning Certificate Distance Learning Course

As is the aim of the College we regularly review and update the courses available to the experienced practitioner and those coming into the profession for the first time. The Introduction to Wills & Estate Planning is no exception; this course is by way of distance learning and is a complete and comprehensive online course with  questions for self assessment.  You get access to the course for 12 months.

In addition to the online course, you will be given access to documents that you can print off and a tutor will be on hand to provide support throughout your duration of the course as and when you would like assistance.  No material can be printed direct from the course itself.  

Please note this is not the same course as the 4 day classroom based course, as the distance learning course goes into a lot more depth and covers a lot more topics. 

On completion of the course and passing the relevant exam, this would gain you entrance into the Society should you wish to join.  You would still need to complete a membership application form and pay for the annual subscription.

It offers one2one learning through your tutor, via email.  The Course is written in 4 Modules:

Module One covers the law of succession as it is today and ensures that you understand the processes involved.

There are 17 sections in Module One, and most sections end in a short essay type question or questions which will be marked by your tutor upon submission.

Module Two, comprises of three parts;

  • Part One, covers IHT, at least what you need to know and understand when talking and advising your client. It does not go into tax for probate etc.
  • Part Two, covers trusts, understanding trusts, primarily Will based trusts, how they work and why we use them and when to use them.
  • Part Three, is about putting it all together, estate planning – using case scenarios and the options available to the client given his or her circumstances.

Module Three, covers Powers of Attorney, how they work, registration and not just LPA’s but also Enduring Powers of Attorney, as well as Ordinary Powers.

Module Four is a general Module, dealing with taking instructions, other issues that could and do arise and areas of general interest.

Once all 4 Modules have been completed, there is a final exam which needs to be done.  The exam is split into 3 parts to make it easier for the delegate.  Part 1 is 3 hours, Part 2 is 3 hours and Part 3 is 2 hours.  Each Part can be done on a separate day or week provided you complete it before your course is deactivated (after 12 months).

Please note there is no formal qualification with this course, but on passing the exam you do get a Certificate of Achievement.

Please note that our courses cover English and Welsh law.  They do not cover Scottish or Irish law.

All four modules £595 

Throughout the course you will be required to complete tutor assessed assignments.

You have 12 months to complete the course. If you do not complete the course in 12 months, a further 6 months may be granted for a nominal fee of £150.

If you have any question please email


How do I book?

To book, email with full name, email address, postal address and date of birth of the delegate.   She will send you an invoice and on receipt of payment you will be enrolled onto the course.

What happens once I have paid the invoice?

Payment will be acknowledged by the College Administrator and you will then be given access to the course.  You will be sent an email giving you your username and password. You can then follow an intuitive learning support system which will take you through the course.

What about if I have a question whilst doing the course?

You can email the tutor direct by using the help/more button within the course itself.


This course material is based on the law of England and Wales.

Qualifies for 24 hrs CPD


Here is what others have said:

“I am a qualified Solicitor-Advocate from a Contested Probate background. It was this that lead me to become interested in the drafting of Wills and LPA’s as I had seen on many occasions the disastrous effects that a poorly drafted Will can bring. I looked at several training providers and eventually settled on the SWW distance learning course as it seemed comprehensive in nature and would also mean that I would not have to take any time off work. It was the best decision that I made. The course is not easy, but, it will without question take you from no prior knowledge to having the confidence to start out taking instructions. I was particularly impressed with the tutor support who always provided me with constructive and timely feedback. In short, if you are looking for a comprehensive and cost-effective course then you can do no better than to enrol on this one! – D.B-M
“As a visiting lecturer for ilex and public services I have some experience with course designing and the amount of work that goes into producing an extensive course. I found this course of Will writing by the SWW to be one of the best structured courses I have studied. It contained up-to-date information and sources were very extensive however full of examples making the course easier to digest. The SWW team needs to be commended for their efforts in promptly replying to all queries and resolving issues without hassle. Although this is a distant learning course due to the responsiveness of the team it did not really feel very distant!” – T.S.
“I have totally enjoyed doing the course and it has given me so much confidence and a lot more Knowledge moving forward.  So a Big Thank you to your self and your Team for the time and effort you have all put in.” – P.B.